Radimov Reveals Insight on Karpenkos Departure, Ties to Personal Connections

Former football player of CSKA and Zenit, **Vladislav Radimov**, commented on the departure of the head coach of Rostov, **Valery Karpin**, revealing that his wife was aware of it before the official announcement.

“There are secrets that aren’t mine to share, so I can’t disclose them. I had an idea about Karpin’s departure for a simple reason: my wife is friends with Valery Karpin’s wife, but I still find out some things only after they make the news. I asked her, ‘Why is Karpin leaving, and I’m not in the loop?’ I said to her, ‘Did you know about it?’ She replied, ‘Yes.’ Is this normal?

Honestly, it seemed imminent. If it hadn’t happened now, Valery would have left in the summer. I believe he has dedicated so much to Rostov that he had every right to make his own choice, and in the end, he leaned towards family. Sometimes one needs to spend time with their loved ones,” Radimov stated on the air of Match TV.

On Tuesday, February 25th, Rostov officially announced Karpin’s resignation as head coach. The 56-year-old specialist explained his decision by the need to focus on his work with the Russian national team.