Lokomotivs Batrakov: Dreaming of a European Transfer While Focusing on the Present

Midfielder of Moscow’s Lokomotiv and the Russian national team, **Aleksey Batrakov**, expressed his thoughts about a potential transfer to a European club in the future.

**— You’ve been asked numerous times about a move to Europe. How would you generally describe this opportunity?**
— It’s a dream. But I don’t have a specific age in mind when I would like to leave. If it happens, that’s great. I try not to focus too much on it, as such thoughts can be overwhelming.

**— Is Europe your ultimate dream?**
— My main dream is for my parents to be healthy, and to start a family in about five years. As for football, yes, that is a dream. But for now, I’ll just focus on appreciating the present moment, Batrakov said in an interview with Championship correspondent Andrey Pankov.

In the current season, Batrakov has played 23 matches for Lokomotiv across all competitions, scoring 11 goals and providing eight assists.