Steam Users Give Mixed Reviews to the Next-Gen Version of GTA V After PC Update

Yesterday, the developers at **Rockstar** updated the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V, integrating all the enhancements and additional content from the next-gen console versions. Following the release of the patch, **GTA V** has effectively split into two editions: the classic Grand Theft Auto V Legacy and the upgraded Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced. Initial reviews on Steam indicate that the new version has encountered various issues at launch.

At the time of this news release, **Grand Theft Auto V Enhanced** holds a «mixed» rating of 50% based on over 6,400 reviews. Most of the negative feedback centers around the malfunctioning progress transfer feature from the previous version and the not-so-obvious graphical improvements, particularly given the increased system requirements:

Moniarton, «thumbs down»

Philyushka, «thumbs up»

Grandpa’s Boner, «thumbs down»

The reason **Rockstar** chose to distribute the next-gen version separately lies in the increased system requirements; the developers reportedly do not want to pressure older players with less powerful hardware to upgrade. This version separation has also impacted online play, as players with different editions cannot join the same servers.