EA Opens Source Codes of Classic Command & Conquer Titles for Modding Enthusiasts

Electronic Arts has made the source codes of several classic Command & Conquer games openly available. These files are released under the GPL license, allowing modding enthusiasts to create new levels, campaigns, and fan projects without any obstacles.

This unprecedented act of generosity includes the following titles:

You can find the source codes for these games on the EA GitHub page.

Attention Commanders: We’re thrilled to inform you that we’ve released the source code for several Command and Conquer games and added Steam Workshop user map support for even more titles in the C&C series.

Also, don’t miss some recently uncovered footage from the C&C Archive: https://t.co/xF4IgLkapH pic.twitter.com/1KSMM2b9iE

Moreover, a few titles have gained Steam Workshop support, including:

The team at EA has also undertaken a few more commendable initiatives. They’ve updated mission editing tools and world-building features to enable gamers to publish maps directly to the Steam Workshop. Additionally, they’ve released the C&C Modding Support Pack, a toolkit for modding that includes XML files, schematics, scripts, shaders, and map files for all games that run on the legacy SAGE engine.

The source codes for several Command & Conquer games were unearthed by Luke Feenan, known as CCHyper. He is a veteran of the C&C community, an experienced modder, and an administrator at CnCNet. Previously, he was involved in the transition of the C&C Ultimate Collection to Steam and the creation of the C&C Remastered Collection.

EA has also shared some footage from Renegade and Generals found in their archives.